
Why one Ohio therapist changed her mind about gender-affirming care for kids

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Organizers including clergy, business owners, social workers and transgender individuals gather in the Ohio Statehouse for a press conference on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023 in Columbus, Ohio in opposition to a bill that would ban gender affirming care for minors and ban transgender athletes from participating in girls' and women's sports. (Samantha Hendrickson/AP)
Organizers including clergy, business owners, social workers and transgender individuals gather in the Ohio Statehouse for a press conference on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023 in Columbus, Ohio in opposition to a bill that would ban gender affirming care for minors and ban transgender athletes from participating in girls' and women's sports. (Samantha Hendrickson/AP)

Here & Now's Scott Tong talks with Carey Callahan, a therapist in Ohio who detransitioned. She previously said she was against gender-affirming care for kids, but is now advocating against bans on trans health care. She tells us more about her story.

This segment aired on January 3, 2024.


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